Forex Introducing Broker

Forex IB (Forex Agent) is the quickest and easiest way to benefit from the DMX Options Affiliate Program. Attract new clients using your referral link and start making money right away!

Who can become an DMX Options Introducing Broker?

Whether you are a novice or a seasoned trader, a blogger or a website owner, an active user of Forex-related social network communities and forums, this IB Forex program is for you!

Advantages of our Forex affiliate program:

How much money can you make?

The Standard Commission (the base value used in calculating partner commission): 2.4 pips (5-decimal pricing) per trade in an STP account and 15% of the DMX Options commission for a trade performed in an ECN or a Crypto account. As the total margin of your referrals increases, commission multipliers will be applied to your remuneration. Partner’s remuneration increases proportionally to the total margin of all closed positions on the referrals’ accounts in the last 90 days.

The Partner's remuneration is credited to the Commission account that is automatically created in the My DMX Options area. Learn more about the amounts of partner’s remunerations in our Knowledge Base.

DMX Options sets the following commission limits for the maximum commission you can receive:

  • Max order commission is USD 100000;
  • Max day commission is USD 100000;
  • Max commission sum is USD 100000.

Forex Partner can not earn more than USD 100000 from a client for the whole trading period. The amount includes commissions from all accounts of the client.

In case you attract many referrals with large trade volumes, DMX Options is glad to offer you even better terms of partnership – types of agents Rebate I and Rebate II.

Conditions for crediting IB FX commission:

  • The IB should receive commission from at least 3 referrals in the last 90 days;
  • The amount of partner commission should reach at least 10000 USD.

More about partner's remuneration

Multi-level agent model

DMX Options provides a two-level Forex agent model which enables you to receive partner's remuneration not only from the trades made by your referrals, but also from the trades of the clients attracted by your direct affiliates (Level 2).

More about DMX Options multilevel model

Referral link

DMX Options offers the opportunity to use your own affiliate (or referral) link to attract new traders. You can place it on your website, in a blog or use it as your forum signature, etc. Once an Internet user clicks such a link, goes to DMX Options website and opens an account, they will become your referral and you will be credited partner's remuneration (commission) from their trades. You can get your referral link in the section Partnership → Text links or generate it yourself as follows: add the tag ?agent=12345 to a URL address of a page you want to refer, where 12345 is your trading account number (or eWallet).

Learn more how to generate your referral link

How to become an DMX Options IB?

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